Vídeos de


Videos grabados de las conferencias magistrales de protagonistas de todo el mundo en relación con diferentes facetas de nuestra vida. Economía, salud, historia, política, medicina, entre otras.

  • Antifragile: things that gain from disorder

    Antifragile: things that gain from disorder

    Nassim Nicholas Taleb

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  • Interview at Rafael del Pino Foundation

    Interview at Rafael del Pino Foundation

    Nassim Nicholas Taleb

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  • From Aristocracy to Monarchy to Democracy. A Tale of Moral and Economic Folly and Decay

    From Aristocracy to Monarchy to Democracy. A Tale of Moral and Economic Folly and Decay

    Hans-Hermann Hoppe

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  • La crisis en España y en el sur de Europa. Desalineamiento de los precios relativos y problemas laborales

    La crisis en España y en el sur de Europa. Desalineamiento de los precios relativos y problemas laborales

    Ricardo López Murphy

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  • From the christian state to the secular state and its religion

    From the christian state to the secular state and its religion

    Anthony de Jasay

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  • La capacidad europea para superar la crisis a examen

    La capacidad europea para superar la crisis a examen

    Juergen B. Donges

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  • Paper promises: debt, money, and the new world order

    Paper promises: debt, money, and the new world order

    Philip Coggan

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  • Economic policies to restore prosperity

    Economic policies to restore prosperity

    Jerry L. Jordan

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  • The economic consequences of cultural decline

    The economic consequences of cultural decline

    Anthony Daniels

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  • The euro: the beginning, the middle and the end?

    The euro: the beginning, the middle and the end?

    Patrick Minford

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  • Unemployment and debt

    Unemployment and debt

    Peter Diamond

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  • Interview at Rafael del Pino Foundation

    Interview at Rafael del Pino Foundation

    Peter A. Diamond

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