Vídeos de


Videos grabados de las conferencias magistrales de protagonistas de todo el mundo en relación con diferentes facetas de nuestra vida. Economía, salud, historia, política, medicina, entre otras.

  • Socio-political consequences of a stagnated economy. The dilemma of economic growth

    Socio-political consequences of a stagnated economy. The dilemma of economic growth

    Benjamin Friedman

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  • A perspective on Keynes and how to understand financial crises

    A perspective on Keynes and how to understand financial crises

    Roger Myerson

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  • Debt Overhang and the Global Recoverys

    Debt Overhang and the Global Recoverys

    Kenneth Rogoff

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  • Fiscal incentives as stabilizers of the economy

    Fiscal incentives as stabilizers of the economy

    Robert J. Barro

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  • Freedom, Christianity and Western tradition

    Freedom, Christianity and Western tradition

    Thomas E. Woods

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  • Who are the guilty of the recession: capitalism and the banks, or the economy and the economists?

    Who are the guilty of the recession: capitalism and the banks, or the economy and the economists?

    Timothy Congdon

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  • How the triumph of bad ideas poisoned the source of prosperity

    How the triumph of bad ideas poisoned the source of prosperity

    Mary Anastasia O'Grady

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  • Europa y España: ¿cómo volverá la confianza?

    Europa y España: ¿cómo volverá la confianza?

    Juergen B. Donges

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  • Crisis financiera, reforma bancaria y el futuro del capitalismo

    Crisis financiera, reforma bancaria y el futuro del capitalismo

    Jesús Huerta de Soto

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  • The challenges of European indebtedness: how to do more with less to protect our public services

    The challenges of European indebtedness: how to do more with less to protect our public services

    Francis Maude

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  • Global macroeconomics. Implications for investment

    Global macroeconomics. Implications for investment

    Myron S. Scholes

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  • Eurozona: alta tensión con perspectivas inciertas

    Eurozona: alta tensión con perspectivas inciertas

    Juergen B. Donges

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