Vídeos de


Videos grabados de las conferencias magistrales de protagonistas de todo el mundo en relación con diferentes facetas de nuestra vida. Economía, salud, historia, política, medicina, entre otras.

  • Stop the Euro disaster

    Stop the Euro disaster

    Max Otte

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  • The future of employment in Europe

    The future of employment in Europe

    Cristopher Pissarides

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  • The Third Industrial Revolution

    The Third Industrial Revolution

    Jeremy Rifkin

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  • The art of family business continuity. Beyond good practices

    The art of family business continuity. Beyond good practices

    John L. Ward

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  • More than good intentions: how the new economy is helping to solve global poverty

    More than good intentions: how the new economy is helping to solve global poverty

    Dean S. Karlan

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  • La exploración del Espacio medio siglo después de Gagarin

    La exploración del Espacio medio siglo después de Gagarin

    Miguel López-Alegría

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  • Decisiones simples sobre problemas complejos: “La lógica de incumplir algunas promesas electorales”

    Decisiones simples sobre problemas complejos: “La lógica de incumplir algunas promesas electorales”

    Manuel Conthe

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  • The international security challenges that face the western countries

    The international security challenges that face the western countries

    John Bolton

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  • Wikileaks and Assange

    Wikileaks and Assange

    David Leigh

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  • Salud, juventud y vejez

    Salud, juventud y vejez

    Valentín Fuster

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  • Canada and Spain: The importance of a stable and strong financial system

    Canada and Spain: The importance of a stable and strong financial system

    Nancy Hughes Anthony

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  • Why entrepreneurship is prospering in the U.S.

    Why entrepreneurship is prospering in the U.S.

    Alan D. Solomont

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