Podcast of the programme

Dialogues and debates

Listen to the programme on:

  • The role of journalism in the arena of power

    The role of journalism in the arena of power

    Bieito Rubido, Mariano Rajoy and Nicolás Redondo

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  • II Forum on the Global Economy: Block II. Reflections on structural challenges

    II Forum on the Global Economy: Block II. Reflections on structural challenges

    Bart van Ark, Martina Larkin, Belén Romana, Eric Chaney and Vicente J. Montes

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  • II Forum on the Global Economy: Block I. How to trigger economic and social recovery

    II Forum on the Global Economy: Block I. How to trigger economic and social recovery

    Ignacio de la Torre, Silvia Iranzo, Emma Navarro, Emilio Lamo de Espinosa and Alfredo Bonet

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  • Rewriting the Rules of the European Economy: Proposals for Growth and Shared Prosperity

    Rewriting the Rules of the European Economy: Proposals for Growth and Shared Prosperity

    Joseph Stiglitz 2001 Nobel Prize in Economics and Enrique Feás (Real Instituto Elcano)

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  • Metropolis. The future is already present

    Metropolis. The future is already present

    Ana Ariño, Diego Puga, Diego Soroa and Elena Herrero-Beaumont

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  • The blackout. How the coronavirus shook the world economy

    The blackout. How the coronavirus shook the world economy

    Adam Tooze and Ricardo de Querol

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  • Liberal Voices. On the quality of Spanish democracy

    Liberal Voices. On the quality of Spanish democracy

    Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo, María Blanco and Carlos Rodríguez Braun

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  • Partnership between pandemics

    Partnership between pandemics

    Lorraine Daston, Jeffrey C. Alexander, Adam Tooze and Lino Camprubí

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  • Freedom, equality, debates of our time II

    Freedom, equality, debates of our time II

    Daniel Lacalle (Chief Economist at Tressis) and Vicente Montes Gan (Director of the Rafael del Pino Foundation)

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  • Freedom, equality, debates of our time

    Freedom, equality, debates of our time

    Isabel Díaz Ayuso, (President of the CM)

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  • Europe in the face of multipolar geopolitics

    Europe in the face of multipolar geopolitics

    Luis Garicano, Manuel Muñiz and Susana del Río

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  • European funds and structural weaknesses of the Spanish economy. Labour market

    European funds and structural weaknesses of the Spanish economy. Labour market

    Juan José Dolado, Raymond Torres and Manuel Sanchis

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