Podcast of the programme
Monetary policy in a new economic and geopolitical landscape
Raphael Bostic
The Citizen Environment in the 21st Century: A Cosmopolitan, Prosperous and Safe Barcelona
Manuel Valls
The European Union faces serious protectionist challenges
Juergen Donges
How a decade of financial crisis has changed the world
Adam Tooze
The bitcoin standard. The decentralised alternative to central banks
Saifedean Ammous
Consequences of the Trump Administration's trade and foreign policies
Jesús Fernández Villaverde
Big data. Economic indicators and new technologies; challenges for the future.
Roberto Rigobon
Brain development and early childhood education, the foundation for the future of nations
Andrew Meltzoff
Brain development and early childhood education, the foundation for the future of nations
Patricia Kuhl
The zero marginal cost society
Jeremy Rifkin
After the Crisis: what next for the world economy?
Martin Wolf
Economy and society in a liquid world
Zygmunt Bauman