Podcast of the programme


  • Monetary policy in a new economic and geopolitical landscape

    Monetary policy in a new economic and geopolitical landscape

    Raphael Bostic

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  • The Citizen Environment in the 21st Century: A Cosmopolitan, Prosperous and Safe Barcelona

    The Citizen Environment in the 21st Century: A Cosmopolitan, Prosperous and Safe Barcelona

    Manuel Valls

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  • The European Union faces serious protectionist challenges

    The European Union faces serious protectionist challenges

    Juergen Donges

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  • How a decade of financial crisis has changed the world

    How a decade of financial crisis has changed the world

    Adam Tooze

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  • The bitcoin standard. The decentralised alternative to central banks

    The bitcoin standard. The decentralised alternative to central banks

    Saifedean Ammous

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  • Consequences of the Trump Administration's trade and foreign policies

    Consequences of the Trump Administration's trade and foreign policies

    Jesús Fernández Villaverde

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  • Big data. Economic indicators and new technologies; challenges for the future.

    Big data. Economic indicators and new technologies; challenges for the future.

    Roberto Rigobon

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  • Brain development and early childhood education, the foundation for the future of nations

    Brain development and early childhood education, the foundation for the future of nations

    Andrew Meltzoff

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  • Brain development and early childhood education, the foundation for the future of nations

    Brain development and early childhood education, the foundation for the future of nations

    Patricia Kuhl

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  • The zero marginal cost society

    The zero marginal cost society

    Jeremy Rifkin

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  • After the Crisis: what next for the world economy?

    After the Crisis: what next for the world economy?

    Martin Wolf

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  • Economy and society in a liquid world

    Economy and society in a liquid world

    Zygmunt Bauman

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