Podcast of the programme
Can artificial intelligence pose a threat to the institutions of a democratic rule of law?
Leonardo Cervera, Secretary-General of the Office of the European Data Protection Supervisor.
About the prosecution
Consuelo Madrigal Martínez-Pereda, former State Prosecutor General.
Voices that Inspire. Research
Irene Peña Gutiérrez, Predoctoral researcher at CIBERER, and Bruna Calsina, Postdoctoral Researcher at CNIO.
Voices that Inspire. Right
Dámaso Riaño, General Counsel & Head of Institutional Relations. Avalon Properties, and Luis Fernando Rodríguez, Managing Partner of Wonders & Co. SLP.
Voices that Inspire. Academy
Patricia Gabaldón IE Business School and Joaquín Artés professor UCM
On the institutions
Andrés Betancor, Professor of Administrative Law, UPF
The Peace or Justice dilemma in Ukraine
Philippe Sands, Mark Freeman and Carlos Castresana
Current dynamics in the Eurozone financial system
Matteo Maggiori, Philip R. Lane and Belén Carreño
International trade in a different kind of globalisation. Challenges and future trends
Lucian Cernat, Carmen Díaz-Mora, Javier Pérez, Christian Volpe and Enrique Feás.
The audit of public economic and financial activity as a constitutional safeguard
María José de la Fuente y de la Calle, former President of the Court of Auditors
Russia's opposition to Putin and the impact of sanctions
Natalia Arno, Vladimir Milov and José Ignacio Torreblanca
The global scene in times of uncertainty: economy, society and technology
Roberto Rigobon (MIT Professor) and Coro Celigüeta (FRP Fellow)