Vídeos de
Global financial challenges and business opportunities in times of crisis
Richard M. Locke y David Schmittlein
Cosas que me enseñó la vida gracias a la empresa
Carlos Espinosa de los Monteros
Sobre la evolución del hombre
Francisco J. Ayala
Stop the Euro disaster
Max Otte
The future of employment in Europe
Cristopher Pissarides
Mujer, empresa y regulación 2012
Augusto López-Claros
The Third Industrial Revolution
Jeremy Rifkin
Everyone a changemaker
Bill Drayton
The Spanish Economy. A General Equilibrium Perspective
José Manuel Campa y Rafael Doménech
Inaguración del Complejo Polideportivo Rafael del Pino por S. M. la Reina
The art of family business continuity. Beyond good practices
John L. Ward
More than good intentions: how the new economy is helping to solve global poverty
Dean S. Karlan