Presentation of the book "Competition Law in times of crisis".

Eleanor Fox, Walter J. Derenberg Professor of Trade Regulation at the New York University School of Law

On 20 July 2010, the Rafael del Pino Foundation presented the book "El Derecho de la Competencia en tiempos de crisis" (Competition Law in times of crisis), which compiles the works developed in the VI Seminar on Competition Law and Economics organised by the Foundation and directed by Santiago Martinez Lage and Amadeo Petitbò. The work was published by the Rafael del Pino Foundation as part of its Law Collection.

The book was presented by Professor Eleanor Fox, Walter J. Derenberg Professor of Trade Regulation at New York University School of Law, who gave the lecture "Competition in Times of Change".

Professor Fox said that "government policies have been short-term oriented in this crisis; they have focused on immediate problems, for example, in the financial sector: What do we do with banks that are at risk? Should mergers be promoted? Are they anti-competitive? In these cases, competition authorities have been able to examine whether the mergers promoted were anti-competitive or not. For example, the European Union has been very effective in managing these situations created by the crisis.

Eleanor Fox argued that "coordinated global policies are very important. Indeed, former European Commissioner Mario Monti has made a proposal, addressed to all sector regulators around the world, to speak with one voice. He has also stressed the importance of not abandoning the principles of competition, especially in this crisis situation, when competition can be a solution.

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