Ongoing initiatives

The Rafael del Pino FoundationThe aim of the project is to contribute to the improvement of knowledge of our leaders and the institutional strengthening of Spainorganises a series of initiatives, with a view to permanence over time, in which the following participate leading personalities from the academic, business or socio-political spheres.

  • UN Global Compact

    UN Global Compact

    The Rafael del Pino Foundation was the driving force behind the implementation and dissemination in Spain of the principles of the United Nations Global Compact. In fact, the Foundation was in charge of organising the meeting held in 2002 at which the ten Global Compact Principles promoted by the UN Global Compact were presented in Spain.

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  • Strengthening the liberal order  

    Strengthening the liberal order  

    Rafael del Pino always believed in freedom understood in its strongest sense, as an indivisible unit. It is from freedom that men must make their decisions and assume their responsibilities. But it is from freedom that societies must forge their future: "We know that man was created free. Free to...

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  • Encounters in the public space

    Encounters in the public space

    The Encuentros en el Espacio Público bring together a select group of prominent people from different professional fields to debate issues of the utmost relevance for Spanish society. These meetings are articulated around a speech or introductory words, the aim of which is to situate the problem to be debated and to provide a series of ideas...

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  • Central Banking Series: Madrid

    Central Banking Series: Madrid

    The Rafael del Pino Foundation, the Global Interdependence Center of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia and BBVA have joined forces to promote a better understanding of the economic and structural factors affecting the world's major economies. In particular, this initiative focuses on the vision of Central Banks...

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