"I wish to contribute to the knowledge inherited from others, together with our particular added value,
continue to be passed on to the next generations in freedom".

Rafael del Pino y Moreno

Featured courses

  • High Capacity Campus

    High Capacity Campus

    The main objective of this initiative is to develop the potential of young people between the ages of 10 and 18 who have been accredited as "high ability".

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  • Workshop From Science to Society

    Workshop From Science to Society

    The Rafael del Pino Foundation together with the Club de Científicos (Rafael del Pino Excellence Fellows) organise the FS2S: Translating today's research into tomorrow's solutions.

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  • A History of the World programme. Jeremy Adelman

    A History of the World programme. Jeremy Adelman

    This course, aimed at young people aged between 17 and 25, invites them to learn about and delve into world history in order to understand how we are connected in the globalised world in which we live.

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  • Artificial Intelligence Ethics Programme. Carissa Véliz

    Artificial Intelligence Ethics Programme. Carissa Véliz

    This course will help us understand the "digital reality" we live in. A practical and constructive approach, offering possible solutions to the ethical challenges generated by AI.

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Upcoming events

Dialogue on the challenges facing Spanish society today

Dialogue on the challenges facing Spanish society today

On 11 September 2024 at 7 p.m., the Rafael del Pino Foundation is organising the dialogue "Conversations in the public space. Dialogues on the challenges facing Spanish society today" with the participation of Elisa Chuliá, Benito Arruñada and Elisa de la Nuez and Víctor Pérez-Díaz. Elisa Chuliá studied Magister Artium at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz (Germany) between 1983 and 1989. After completing postgraduate studies at the Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Ciencias Sociales (CEACS) of the Juan March Foundation (Madrid), she defended her doctoral thesis at the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology of the Complutense University of Madrid (1997). Since 2003 ...

Dialogue Liberal voices: monetarism, monetary policy and the causes of inflation

Dialogue Liberal voices: monetarism, monetary policy and the causes of inflation

The Rafael del Pino Foundation is organising the dialogue "Liberal voices: monetarism, monetary policy and the causes of inflation" on 16 September at 7 p.m., with the participation of Daniel Lacalle and Juan Castañeda. Juan Castañeda received his PhD in Economics from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in 2003. His doctoral thesis, which focused on the analysis of the ECB's monetary strategy, received the runner-up prize of the IEE's Víctor Mendoza Prize. He has been a lecturer at the UNED and a visiting researcher at the Cass Business School (London) and the Centre of Monetary and Financial Alternatives (Cato Institute). He has carried out research work for the Instituto de Estudios Fiscales and the Banco de España.

Online Dialogue Liberal Voices: Ayn Rand

Online Dialogue Liberal Voices: Ayn Rand

The Rafael del Pino Foundation is organising the online dialogue "Liberal Voices: Ayn Rand" on 23 September 2024 at 19:00, with the participation of Antonella Marty and Roger Domingo. The dialogue will be broadcast on the Foundation's frp channel. Antonella Marty, Argentine political scientist and author of several books, including The Liberal Handbook (2021), Everything You Need to Know (2022) and Ideologies (2024). She holds a degree in International Relations and Political Science from the Universidad Abierta Interamericana and hosts the podcast "Hablemos Libertad".


Family and Disability Chair

Family and Disability Chair

In collaboration with the Down's Syndrome Foundation to take one of the university programmes developed in the "Family and Disability" Chair. ...

Rafael del Pino Excellence Fellows 2024

Rafael del Pino Excellence Fellows 2024

List of the beneficiaries of the XXIV Grants Programme for postgraduate studies...


  • ECO 2024 Report (April)

    ECO 2024 Report (April)

    The Business Cycle Observatory, an initiative of BBVA Research, Fedea and the Rafael del Pino Foundation, have jointly launched the eleventh edition of the Observatory on the Business Cycle in Spain, entitled "Business Cycle, Employment and Productivity in 2023". This Observatory analyses and quantifies the influence of an economic ...

    Further information

  • Deep-tech entrepreneurship in Spain

    Deep-tech entrepreneurship in Spain

    As a result of the collaboration between the MIT and the Rafael del Pino Foundation, we present the report Deep-Tech Entrepreneurship in Spain, which analyses the Spanish scenario for the development of these technologies and outlines a strategy for Spain in this field. Technical information:

    Further information

  • Chair in Science and Society

    Chair in Science and Society

    The aim of the Chair in Science and Society is to analyse, debate and communicate the impact of science and technology on society. This Chair is linked to the university sphere, the source of scientific and technological knowledge that radiates to society through research transfer and educational outreach. Per ...

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Future Young Leaders


Current Leaders


Training Programmes


Research Projects


Conferences and Meetings


Excellence scholarships

frp channel

Events and articles of the Rafael del Pino Foundation

Image of Democracy and liberal order in the world

Democracy and liberal order in the world

The Project on Europe and the Transatlantic Relationship of the Kennedy School at the Univ ...

Image of Artificial Intelligence's Impact on Business Management: Beyond the Technology

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Business Management: Beyond the Technology

Alberto Granados, Rodrigo Gribble, Óscar Candiles and María Garaña.
