The Rafael del Pino Foundation was the driving force behind the implementation and dissemination in Spain of the principles of the UN Global Compact. It was not for nothing that the Foundation was in charge of organising the meeting held in 2002 at which the ten Principles of the Global Compact promoted by the United Nations Secretary General were presented in Spain, Kofi Annan.

The importance of that event, presided over by the Founder, took on a singular significance due to the presence of the Secretary General, to whom a large group of Spanish businessmen handed over a book containing the adherence to the principles of the Global Compact of 135 companies, including the most important ones in the Spanish market. The event was also attended by the signatories, representatives of the most important non-governmental organisations and the main trade union centres. This enabled the Global Compact network in Spain to take the lead in the effective implementation of its principles worldwide.
The Rafael del Pino Foundation also later supported the creation of an organisational structure capable of monitoring the commitments arising from the adherence of Spanish leaders and companies to the Global Compact.
The consolidation of the Global Compact in Spain was demonstrated by the success achieved by the actions undertaken since then, among which, without a doubt, the establishment of the Spanish Global Compact Association (ASEPAM), whose current name is Spanish Global Compact Networkwhich was presided over, in an honorary capacity until his death, by the Founder, Rafael del Pino y Moreno.
The Foundation's reiterated commitment to the implementation of the ten principles of the Global Compact was once again demonstrated by the strong support given to the Spanish Global Compact Network in organising the meeting of its members with the Secretary General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moonDuring the meeting organised at the Foundation, he expressed his support for the principles of the Global Compact, defended its possible extension and pledged his personal efforts and those of the United Nations to strengthen it.

Since the creation of the Spanish Network of the United Nations Global CompactThe Founder, Rafael del Pino y Moreno, held the honorary presidency of this institution. Upon his death in 2008, the Directors of the Foundation held the Vice-Presidency of the Network until 2015, promoting the work in favour of the ten principles of the Global Compact from its Executive Committee.
Throughout 2014, the Foundation actively collaborated in the development of consultations, in Spain and Latin America, between the private sector and the United Nations with the aim of contributing to the debate on post-2015 development strategies.

In addition, the celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the United Nations Global Compact in Spain was held on 26 November 2014 at the headquarters of the Rafael del Pino Foundation, with the participation of, among others: María del Pino, President of the Rafael del Pino Foundation; Mark Moody-Stuart, President of the United Nations Global Compact Foundation; Georg Kell, Executive Director of the United Nations Global Compact; and Ángel Pes, President of the Global Compact Network Spain, among other personalities.

In 2015, the Rafael del Pino Foundation hosted the meetings organised by the Spanish Global Compact Network which allowed the private sector's point of view to materialise in the debate and negotiation of the Sustainable Development Goals approved by the United Nations General Assembly. As a culmination of these meetings, on 25 November 2015, the event "The private sector and the challenges of the Sustainable Development Goals. Keys and priorities for action in Spain", which resulted in a summary document of the meetings, surveys, working groups and experience-sharing sessions held with companies, the administration, the third sector and educational institutions.
In 2016, the Foundation concentrated its efforts on the implementation in Spain of the new Global Development Agenda resulting from the agreements reached in 2015 (Agenda 2030), which led to the approval of the Sustainable Development Goals. Until June 2016, the Foundation held the Vice-Presidency of the Spanish Global Compact Network and, from its executive committee, promoted the work in favour of the ten principles. Once the maximum limit of permanence in the Committee established in the statutes of the Spanish Network had been reached, the Foundation left the governing bodies of the Network.
Since 2017, the Foundation has concentrated its efforts on the implementation in Spain of the 2030 Agenda, joining in 2018 as Technical Secretary to the project GoODS led by the Spanish Network of the United Nations Global Compact and the Rafael del Pino Foundation, together with collaborating entities of the relevance of Accenture, Acción contra el hambre, Ashoka, Asociación Española de Fundaciones, Global Incubator, Atresmedia, European Commission, Cotec, Deloitte, El hueco, Endesa, Esade, Ferrovial, Fundación Repsol, Iberdrola, IE Business School, Impact Hub, Merco, Indra, Ineco, IS Global, itdUPM, Obra Social Fundación "la Caixa", Prisa, Sic4Change, Ship2B and Telefónica.

The go!ODS Awards highlight the role of Spanish business and social entities in the innovative implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These awards highlight initiatives already underway and with proven results, with the aim of serving as an inspiration for the Spanish private sector as a whole, encouraging intersectoral collaboration and dialogue. The following projects have received awards so far:
GoODS Awards 2018. I Edition
GoODS 2020 awards. II Edition
GoODS 2022 Awards. III Edition
GoODS 2024 Awards. IV Edition