On 28 June 2010, the Rafael del Pino Foundation, in collaboration with the National Competition Commission, hosted the presentation of the book "La nueva legislación española ante la evolución del Derecho de la Competencia", which was attended by its authors: Luis Berenguer Fuster, César A. Giner Parreño and Antonio Robles Martín-Laborda. The book was presented by Pedro Solbes, former Second Vice-President of the Spanish Government and Minister of Economy and Finance, and Joaquín Almunia, European Union Commissioner for Competition. The work has been published by the Rafael del Pino Foundation as part of its Law Collection.
About the authors
Luis Berenguer Fuster is President of the National Competition Commission. He has been a professor at the Universities of Alicante, Valencia and Carlos III de Madrid; Member of the Spanish Parliament; Minister of the Generalitat Valenciana; and Member of the European Parliament. As an MEP he worked on competition issues in the reform process undertaken by Commissioner Mario Monti and was Chairman of the Committee on Industry, Energy, Research and Foreign Trade.
César A. Giner Parreño is Professor of Commercial Law at the Carlos III University of Madrid. He holds a PhD in Law from the University Carlos III of Madrid and a Law Degree from the University of Seville. He is the author of numerous publications on Competition Law, including his monograph "Distribución y Libre Competencia. El aprovisionamiento del distribuidor".
Antonio Robles Martín-Laborda is Professor of Commercial Law and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, where he obtained his PhD in Law. He holds a degree in Law from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and a Master's degree in European Union Law. He currently teaches Competition Law, a subject on which he has published several works.