On 15 November 2013, the Rafael del Pino Foundation and the Madrid Court of Arbitration, in collaboration with the Spanish Arbitration Club, organised the "1st Congress of Judges and Arbitrators: Allies in the resolution of commercial disputes", which brought together the highest judicial authorities with responsibility in arbitration matters with the most prestigious arbitration specialists, with the aim of combining efforts through analysis, reflection and dialogue to offer business people specialised, fast and quality conflict resolution systems that allow them to develop their activity in a suitable environment, in which legal certainty reigns.
The programme was carried out as detailed in the programme:
9:15-9:30 h. Welcome
9:30-10:30 h. Arbitration/jurisdiction relations: state of play
Arturo Fernández. President of the Entrepreneurs of Madrid
Joaquín Silguero Estagnan. Secretary General for the Administration of Justice
Francisco Javier Vieira. President of the High Court of Justice of Madrid
José Ramón Ferrándiz. Magistrate of the Supreme Court
Miguel Ángel Fernández-Ballesteros. President of the Madrid Court of Arbitration
José María Alonso Puig. Honorary President of the Spanish Arbitration Club
Jesús Remón Peñalver. Honorary President of the Spanish Arbitration Club
Antonio Hierro Hernández-Mora. Honorary President of the Spanish Arbitration Club
10:30-11:30 h. Arbitration under scrutiny: the judges have their say
Joaquín Silguero Estagnan. Secretary General for the Administration of Justice
José Ramón Ferrándiz. Magistrate of the Supreme Court
Francisco Javier Vieira. President of the High Court of Justice of Madrid
José Luis Concepción Rodríguez. President of the High Court of Justice of Castilla y León.
María Eugenia Alegret. President of the High Court of Justice of Catalonia
Antonio García Paredes. Magistrate of the Provincial Court of Madrid - President of the Eighth Section.
Jesús Remón Pañalver. Honorary President of the Spanish Arbitration Club (moderator).
11:30-12:00 h. Pause
12:00-13:00 h. Recognition of foreign awards in Spain: the "Spanish" interpretation of the New York Convention
Antonio García. Magistrate of the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country.
Pilar Perales Viscasillas. Carlos III University of Madrid
Gonzalo Jiménez Blanco. Ashurst
Miguel Virgós. Uría Menéndez (moderator)
13:00-14:00 h. The annulment of the award: judges' confirmation of arbitral decisions
Ignacio Sancho Gargallo. Magistrate of the Supreme Court
Manuel Pacheco. Garrigues
Mercedes Fernandez. Jones Day
David Arias. Co-President of the Spanish Arbitration Club (moderator).
14:00-15:30 h. Cocktail. A cocktail will be served
15:30-16:30 h. Judicial support for the arbitration function: appointment of arbitrators and interim measures of protection
María Eugenia Alegret. Magistrate of the High Court of Justice of Catalonia.
Álvaro López de Argumedo. Uría Menéndez
Juan Viaño. Gómez Acebo & Pombo
Joaquín García Bernaldo de Quirós. Ramón y Cajal Lawyers
José Antonio Caínzos. Co-President of the CEA (moderator)
16:30-17:00 h. Pause
17:00-18:00 h. Requirements and grounds for opposition in the enforcement of awards: good and bad practice
Begoña Pérez Sanz. Judge of First Instance
Félix Montero. Pérez Llorca
Alberto Fortún. Cuatrecasas, Conçalves Pereira
Carlos de los Santos. Garrigues (moderator)
18:00-18:30 h. Closure