Richard L. Schmalensee

Richard L. Schmalensee

The Rafael del Pino Foundation organised a series of conferences entitled, "What will our societies be like after the crisis?", which took place at the Foundation's headquarters throughout 2009 and 2010.

Professor Richard L. Schmalensee was the keynote speaker at the opening of the cycle on 21 May 2009. His speech was entitled "Drivers of Creative Destruction in the Future. Multilateral markets".

Richard L. Schmalensee is Howard W. Johnson Professor of Economics and Business Management and John C. Head III Dean Emeritus at the Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He was a member of the US President's Council of Economic Advisors from 1989 to 1991 and Deputy Dean of the Sloan School of Management at MIT from 1996 to 1998. He is currently a member of the International Academy of Management and the National Commission on Energy Policy, among other institutions, as well as a Director of the International Securities Exchange and the International Data Group.

Professor Schmalensee is the author of countless research papers, which he has published in 11 books and more than a hundred articles and monographs. Chairman of the Editorial Board of Competition Policy Internationals, he is also co-editor of volumes I and II of the Handbook of Industrial Organization.

Throughout his long and prolific academic and research career, he has focused on industrial economics and its application to business management and public policy with particular emphasis on competition, regulatory and environmental policy issues.

The Rafael del Pino Foundation is not responsible for the comments, opinions or statements made by the people who participate in its activities and which are expressed as a result of their inalienable right to freedom of expression and under their sole responsibility. The contents included in the summary of this conference are the result of the debates held at the meeting held for this purpose at the Foundation and are the responsibility of their authors.

The Rafael del Pino Foundation is not responsible for any comments, opinions or statements made by third parties. In this respect, the FRP is not obliged to monitor the views expressed by such third parties who participate in its activities and which are expressed as a result of their inalienable right to freedom of expression and under their own responsibility. The contents included in the summary of this conference are the result of the discussions that took place during the conference organised for this purpose at the Foundation and are the sole responsibility of its authors.