On 6 May 2015, the Rafael del Pino Foundation and the Think Tank Civismo organised the event Economic Freedom in Spain 2015 on the occasion of the presentation of the book by Francisco Cabrillo, Rocío Albert and Rogelio Biazzi.
Speakers at the event included: Francisco Cabrillo, Professor of Applied Economics at the Complutense University of Madrid; John Múller, Economic Columnist for El Mundo; and Esperanza Aguirre, President of the PP of Madrid.
The publication of Economic Freedom in Spain 2015 consolidates a project initiated in 2008, the aim of which is to analyse the different degree of economic freedom in the Spanish regions and to support the thesis that economic freedom improves growth and welfare. The Index of Economic Freedom of the Autonomous Communities presented in this book is a very useful instrument, not only to understand what is happening in Spain, but also to guide the decisions of regional governments towards the design of efficient policies that will help to overcome the crisis and lay the foundations for solid growth in the future.