The Rafael del Pino Foundation, in collaboration with the Santander International Centre for Entrepreneurship (CISE-UCEIF), the Spanish Network of Regional GEM Teams, and Banco Santander -through the Santander Universities Global Division-, organised the presentation of the report "Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: GEM Spain 2014 Report", which took place on 15 April 2015.
The event was structured according to the following programme:
13.00 Welcome
13.15 Presentation of the GEM Report
- Iñaki Peña, Technical Director. GEM Spain
13.40 Round table "Education in entrepreneurship".
- Rosa Batista, Senior Lecturer at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and author of the monograph
- Beatriz Álvarez, Head of training and educational innovation at the Trilema Foundation.
- Manuel Campillo, General Director of Communication and Institutional Relations of Vocento
- Francisco Blanco, Coordinator of Entrepreneurship at King Juan Carlos University
- Mª Jesús Pérez, Editor-in-Chief of the Empresa supplement in ABC Newspaper.
14.15 Closing
GEM is an annual observatory, since 1999, whose main mission is to provide data on the measurement of the rate of entrepreneurial activity in the participating nations, regions and cities, as well as a broad description of its characteristics, its relationship with economic development and a diagnosis of the state of the main institutional conditions or environment for entrepreneurship.
This report provides institutions and actors involved in entrepreneurship with quality information and indicators to foster entrepreneurship. The time series and comparisons across economies and cultural backgrounds are also of great value for understanding and learning about the mechanisms that promote entrepreneurship.
GEM Spain, within the framework of this global project, is formed by the Spanish Network of Regional GEM Teams, made up of researchers from 19 universities. It has the support of 90 institutions.