The Rafael del Pino Foundation, in collaboration with the Xavier de Salas Foundation, the Santander International Centre for Entrepreneurship (CISE-UCEIF), the Spanish Network of Regional GEM Teams, the Santander Universities Global Division and the Nebrija Foundation, organised the presentation of the "Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: Spain 2012 Executive Report" on 8 April 2013.
GEM is an observatory that analyses entrepreneurial activity on an annual basis. Its main mission is to provide data on the measurement of the rate of entrepreneurial activity in the participating nations, regions and cities, as well as a broad description of its characteristics, its relationship with economic development and a diagnosis of the state of the main institutional conditions or environment for entrepreneurship.
The GEM observatory has been providing data since 1999, having demonstrated the influence of entrepreneurship on economic development and enriched the academic field with a multitude of articles and scientific papers published in indexed journals. Since its creation, there is no doubt that we can speak of a before and after in its implementation, given that the figure of the entrepreneur and his or her study and dissemination have experienced an unprecedented boost. The institutions and agents related to entrepreneurship in all the participating countries and regions have had access to quality information and indicators that have made it possible to advance in the field of support for business creation in a way that had not been done before. The time series and comparisons between different types of economies and cultural backgrounds are also of great value for understanding and learning about the mechanisms that articulate entrepreneurship.
On 28 May 2013, the President of the Foundation of the University of Cantabria for the Study and Research of the Financial Sector (UCEIF), José Carlos Gómez Sal, and the Director of the Rafael del Pino Foundation, Amadeo Petitbò Juan, signed a three-year collaboration agreement to support the GEM Spain Project and thus strengthen the Spanish Network of Regional GEM Teams.