The Rafael del Pino Foundation, -ICXCI-Innovation Center for Collaborative Intelligence and Dontknow organised, on 19 April 2018, the "III Conference on Collaborative Intelligence: Ideas to improve education".
In many cases, education is still anchored in the methods of the past. It is important to update educational practices in the digital society. But the experiences and knowledge we need to innovate in education are scattered. Collaborative Intelligence methodologies make it possible to manage this complexity and implement the best educational practices.
The event took place according to the following programme:
09.30 Welcome and introduction
10:00 "Framework for understanding how to approach educational practices".
Leticia Soberón. PhD in Social Sciences and Member of the Vatican Secretariat for Communication.
10:45 "The essential dialogue between educators".
Javier Palop. Director General of the SM Foundation
11:00 Break
11:20 "Values and education
Enrique Baca. Professor of Psychiatry at the Autonomous University of Madrid.
12:15 "Educational milestones from 0 to 6 years of age".
Liliana Acosta. Digital philosopher, Director of the EMC Project.
12:45 Roundtable on innovative initiatives in the education sector
Ascensión Blázquez, ScolarTic (Telefónica)
Víctor Sánchez, Smile&learn
Agustín Cuenca, NeuroK
13:40 Closure