On 21 May 2015, the Rafael del Pino Foundation organised a dialogue on the occasion of the presentation of the book "La España posible".
Speakers at the event included:
- César Molinas, Founding Partner of the consultancy Multa Paucis
- Luis Garicano, Professor of Economics and Strategy in the Departments of Business Administration and Economics, London School of Economics
- Carles Casajuana, Diplomat and Writer
- Elisa de la Nuez, State Lawyer and Secretary General of the Fundación ¿Hay Derecho?
- Mariano Guindal, Journalist specialising in economics (moderator)
Cesar Molinas is an economist and consultant. He graduated in mathematics from the University of Barcelona. He is a founding partner of the consultancy firm Multa Paucis and spent seven years as Managing Director of Merrill Lynch. He has published several books on economics, such as La inversión en España. Econometría con restricciones de equilibrio (1990) and Qué hacer con España: del capitalismo castizo a la refundación de un país (2013). He collaborates with media outlets such as El País, where he is a regular columnist.
Luis Garicano (Valladolid, 1967) is Professor of Economics and Strategy in the Departments of Business Administration and Economics at the London School of Economics. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Chicago, where he has spent most of his teaching and research career. His research interests are productivity growth, new technologies and work organisation. He has been a visiting professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the London Business School, among other academic institutions, and in 2007 he received the Banco Herrero Foundation Award for the best Spanish researcher under the age of 40 in the fields of economic, business and social knowledge. He was the founder of the economic blog Nada es gratis, and co-author of the book of the same name.
Carles Casajuana (Sant Cugat, Barcelona, 1954) is a diplomat by profession. He has lived in La Paz, Manila, New York, Kuala Lumpur, Brussels and London. He is the author of novels such as Bala de corcho (1989), Domingo de tentación (2004), Kuala Lumpur (2005), El último hombre que hablaba catalán (Ramon Llull Prize 2009) and Un escándalo sin importancia (2012). He has been translated into French and English. He contributes to La Vanguardia and El País.
Elisa de la Nuez Sánchez-Cascado holds a degree in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid (1980-1985). She joined the Corps of State Lawyers in 1988 and is currently on leave of absence. Her dedication to the private sector includes the start-up of the company Symmachia S.L., dedicated to new technologies. She currently manages the consultancy firm Iclaves, in the same sector of new technologies and the information society, and is responsible for the legal area of this company. She is Secretary of the Board of Trustees and of the Executive Committee of the FUNDETEC Foundation, Secretary of the Board of Trustees and of the Executive Council of the CENTAC Foundation and Director of the Legal Department of the Public Foundation Supercomputing Centre of Castilla y León.
Mariano Guindal (Madrid, 1951) is one of Spain's most prestigious and best-informed economic journalists. An exceptional witness to the Transition and the last forty years of our history, he began his professional career with Manuel Leguineche in 1972. He worked in the agencies Colpisa and LID, in the magazines Guadiana, Cambio 16 and Panorama, and in Diario 16, although most of his professional career -37 years- has been spent in La Vanguardia, where he has been editor-in-chief of Economy and editorialist. He currently collaborates with La Vanguardia and El Economista, is an advisor to the Fundación de Estudios de Economía Aplicada (Fedea), and lectures on the Master's Degree in Economic Journalism and on summer courses at the Complutense University of Madrid.