Presentation of the Madrid Business Mediation Centre

In collaboration with the Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Madrid and the Madrid Court of Arbitration.

The Rafael del Pino Foundation collaborated with the Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Madrid in the presentation of the Madrid Business Mediation Centre that took place on 10 February 2015.

The aim of the event was to present the professional team, the logistical facilities and the rules and regulations of the Madrid Business Mediation Centre. In addition, a panel of mediation experts and lawyers from business law firms will present their opinions, ideas and practical experiences in the use of mediation as a method for resolving conflicts.

The event was structured according to the following programme:

9.30 Welcome and introduction

9.45 Presentation of the Business Mediation Centre of Madrid

11.00 "Mediation and business experience in Spain".
Javier Fernández-Samaniego, Lawyer, Partner. Bird & Bird
Estefanía García, Head of Claims, Aviation and Transport. Mapfre Global Risks
Carlos J. Gutiérrez García, Director of legal advice, after-sales and litigation. Gamesa Corporación Tecnológica
Juan Ramón Montero, Lawyer, mediator and partner. Montero Estévez Labrador y asociados
Blanca Rivilla, Deputy General Manager of Legal Advisory Services. Savings Corporation
Manuel López-Medel Báscones, Secretary General. Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services and Business Mediation Centre of Madrid.

12.00 Closing

The Rafael del Pino Foundation is not responsible for the comments, opinions or statements made by the people who participate in its activities and which are expressed as a result of their inalienable right to freedom of expression and under their sole responsibility. The contents included in the summary of this conference, written for the Rafael del Pino Foundation by Professor Emilio González, are the result of the debates held at the meeting held for this purpose at the Foundation and are the responsibility of the authors.

The Rafael del Pino Foundation is not responsible for any comments, opinions or statements made by third parties. In this respect, the FRP is not obliged to monitor the views expressed by such third parties who participate in its activities and which are expressed as a result of their inalienable right to freedom of expression and under their own responsibility. The contents included in the summary of this conference, written for the Rafael del Pino Foundation by Professor Emilio J. González, are the result of the discussions that took place during the conference organised for this purpose at the Foundation and are the sole responsibility of its authors.
