The Rafael del Pino Foundation together with the LQDVI Foundation organised the meeting "Much more than a logo" on 1 June 2016.
The event was attended by the following entrepreneurs:
-Jaime Garrastazu, Co Founder & CMO of Pompeii Brand
-Jaime Castillo and Antonio Barbeito, Founder and CEO of Mr. Happiness
-Eugenio Sáiz and Álvaro Sasiambarrena, Jonndo Cofounders
-Juan Suarez, Product Director and Assistant to the President of Aristocrazy
This event is part of the tenth anniversary of the LQDVI Foundation, and responds to the social change brought about by new forms of enterprise, many of them created by very young people with a great entrepreneurial spirit.
Jaime Castillo and Antonio Barbeito are founder and CEO, respectively, of Mr. Happiness, the T-shirt and sweatshirt company.
Antonio was the first to take the floor to emphasise that Mr. Happiness is a brand that goes beyond what the product is and, furthermore, that you have to identify with what you do.
Jaime referred to the creation of the company. The founding partners had a design and wondered where they could make T-shirts. They showed the design and made a hundred T-shirts for a thousand euros.
To sell, they built a social media profile and created 'happy Sundays', a series of events and parties on Sundays where they could sell the clothes. They made the calls through Facebook. They also created a website and started selling through it. They also went to flea markets. Then they realised that they had a place in international markets because the foreign public, especially the Anglo-Saxon public, liked their products.
Another distribution channel they started to use is shops because they believe it is important for the customer to be able to touch the product, to check its quality. Because Mr. Happiness is committed to quality clothing, not cheap clothing made in China.
The company's philosophy is that what is important, along with the brand, are the expressions of happiness, in the little things, the little moments, etc.
Antonio said that he met the partners of Mr Happiness because they were looking for funding, as they wanted to make a leap. Then they had had a problem with one of the events they were organising, for which they received strong criticism on Facebook, but they managed the crisis by taking the blame and thinking about the future.
In his opinion, one should not give up because of adverse circumstances. He added that only perseverance and determination can do the trick.