On 17 June 2013, the Rafael del Pino Foundation organised the Keynote Lecture by Ricardo López Murphy entitled "The crisis in Spain and Southern Europe. Relative price misalignment and labour problems".
Ricardo López Murphy, educated at the National University of La Plata and the University of Chicago, began his prestigious political career in the Argentinean Ministry of Economy in 1975 before becoming the main advisor to the Central Bank of Argentina and shortly thereafter an advisor to the Central Bank of Uruguay. He was a consultant to the IDB, the IMF, the UNDP and the World Bank, and then again held important positions in the Argentine administration, including Minister of Defence, Minister of Economy and Minister of Infrastructure and Housing.
Subsequently, he has developed an intense political activity and has been a candidate for the presidency of Argentina for the Movimiento Federal Recrear. He currently chairs the Fundación Cívico Republicana, dedicated to the analysis of public policies, as well as the Red Liberal de América Latina (RELIAL).