On 13 May 2015, the Rafael del Pino Foundation, the Global Interdependence Center and BBVA organised the meeting "Scenario for Spain in a world of unconventional monetary policies".
The event was structured according to the following programme:
16:45 Welcome
- Vicente J. Montes Gan, Director of the Rafael del Pino Foundation
- George Tsetsekos, Professor Emeritus, LeBow College of Business, Drexel University, and GIC Council Member
17:00 Spain in a new monetary policy environment
- José Luis Malo de Molina, Director General, Research Department, Banco de España
17:30 The Central Banks' Perspective
- David E. Altig, Executive Vice President and Director of Research, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
- Daniel G. Sullivan, Executive Vice President and Director of Research, Federal Reserve Bank, Chicago
- Livio Stracca, Head of the International Policy Analysis Division, European Central Bank
- José Manuel González Páramo, Executive Director and Chairman of BBVA's International Advisory Board (moderator)
19:00 Closing ceremony
- Don Rissmiller, Chief Economist and Founding Partner of Strategas Research Partners and GIC Vice President of Programmes
You can register for the meeting by clicking on the following link link