
  • Andreu Mas-Colell

    Andreu Mas-Colell

    Innovation and research as keys to the future

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  • Julio María Sanguinetti

    Julio María Sanguinetti

    Politics and the crisis

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  • Stefan Ingves

    Stefan Ingves

    The Swedish economy's response to the challenges of the future. The importance of being awake; lessons in managing the European crisis.

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  • Conference. Science against Poverty

    Conference. Science against Poverty

    Debate on the role of scientific research and innovation in the fight against poverty and social exclusion (08/04/2012)

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  • Finn E. Kydland

    Finn E. Kydland

    Consistency of government policies for long-term growth

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  • Richard M. Locke

    Richard M. Locke

    Sustainability and Business

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  • Michel Camdessus

    Michel Camdessus

    Cultural Roots of the Crisis and the Search for a New Paradigm

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  • José María Ordovás

    José María Ordovás

    Food and health: not only what and how much, but by whom and when

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  • Enrique V. Iglesias

    Enrique V. Iglesias

    Lessons from the crisis

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  • Round table. The 1959 stabilisation plan. Ten years on

    Round table. The 1959 stabilisation plan. Ten years on

    Manuel Varela Parache, Emeritus Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid and San Pablo CEU University; Juan Velarde Fuertes, Member of the Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences and Manuel Jesús González González, Member of the Royal Academy of History (11/01/2010).

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  • Juergen B. Donges

    Juergen B. Donges

    Faced with a tough economic recovery, with risks

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  • 6th Seminar on Competition Law and Economics

    6th Seminar on Competition Law and Economics

    Competition law in times of crisis

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