The Rafael del Pino Foundation is organising, on 8 April 2025 at 7 p.m., the presentation of the conclusions of the INTEC 2024 report of its Chair in science and society, entitled "The time of the brave, from ideas to innovation. A roadmap for the technological transformation of Spain". in which he will participate Helena Herrero y Javier García.
The event will take place according to the following programme:
19:00h Welcome
Initial interventions by Helena HerreroPresident of HP for Southern Europe, Middle East and Africa and Javier GarcíaPresident of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry and Director of the Rafael del Pino Chair in Science and Society
19:30h Round table "A roadmap for Spain's technological transformation".
Daniel Perez GrandeCEO of IENAI Space
Carlos MatillaCEO of Fuvex
José Capmanyresearcher at the UPV and founder of iPronics
Natalia RodríguezNational Innovation Award 2023
If you would like to attend, please contact the Foundation by e-mail at