The Rafael del Pino Foundation hosted the launch of the Call to Innovation competition on 13 January 2014. Salim Ismail gave the conference "Spain in 2025. The possibilities". Salim Ismail is a multiple entrepreneur of great international prestige, CEO and Founder of Singularity University, as well as the Yahoo business incubator and 7 technology companies in Silicon Valley. The following day, on 14 January 2014, this same event will take place in Barcelona at the Barcelona Activa headquarters at 4pm.
The Rafael del Pino Foundation, in collaboration with the Cosentino Group, organises an annual national competition for technology entrepreneurs and researchers, who are challenged to propose ideas and projects to "solve the great problems of Spain and the world through technology".
This competition, called Call to Innovation, is a call for optimism and action. Faced with the major challenges facing Spain (unemployment, financial crisis, education, energy dependence, etc.), the organisers are calling on society to use its creativity, talent and knowledge to provide real solutions by leveraging the latest technological advances.
The Call to Innovation competition is aimed at Spanish society in general, and at entrepreneurs, researchers, scientists and university students in particular.
The two winners of the competition receive a scholarship, valued at 24,000 euros each, to study at NASA's headquarters in Silicon Valley, Singularity University's Graduate Studies Program during the summer of 2014. This 10-week interdisciplinary programme is one of the most selective in the world, and from the thousands of applications received each year, 80 technology leaders and entrepreneurs from 35 countries around the world are selected to analyse the major technological advances that are transforming the world and explore how to use them to solve humanity's greatest problems.
In 2012, the winners of the competition were Pilar Manchón, founder and CEO of Indisys and Jordi Martí, founder of DBS Screening.
In 2013, the winners were Diego Soroa, architect, urban planner, founder and director of the applied creativity laboratory "Cuantics Creative Labs", and Pablo de Manuel Triantafilo, engineer, multiple entrepreneur, founder of the technology start-ups "Global Incubator" and "Pull Approach", international director at AVIE and director at Open City Foundation".