The Rafael del Pino Foundation, in collaboration with Esade Business School, organised the seventh edition of Start Up Spain on 12 December 2013. On this occasion, Start Up Spain brought together foreign entrepreneurs who have founded successful startups in Spain, as well as Spanish entrepreneurs who had founded startups with the help of executives from Spanish multinationals who were asked three questions: Why did they decide to create/invest in startups in Spain? How do they support innovation and the creation of new startups? What lessons can we learn in Spain so that more initiatives of this kind spread in our country?
The round table: "Spanish startups founded by foreigners", moderated by Javier Santiso, counted with the participation of:
Esio Kant, managing director & co-founder of Tyba
Pauline Quillet, founder and CEO of Omanuh
Kasia Adamowicz, co-founder of JolieBox
John Erceg, founder of Budgetplaces
Philippe Gelis, co-founder of Kantox
Christian Nyborg, co-founder of Masmovil
The second round table: "Spanish companies betting on Spanish startups" moderated by Alfons Sauquet, was led by:
Javier Pérez Dolset, Founder and CEO of ZED Group and investor in 24symbols
Aitor Grandes, co-founder and CEO of 24symbols
Joaquín Ayuso de Paul, co-founder of Tuenti and founder and CEO of Kuapay
Joaquín García-Baquero, CEO of Net4Things. Startup supported by Mónica de Oriol (president of Grupo Seguriber and Círculo de Empresarios).
Ignasi Vilajosana, CEO of Worldsensing. Startup supported by the José Manuel Entrecanales Foundation (José Manuel Entrecanales, Acciona).
Marta Ibáñez, founder and CEO of Hiphunters. Startup supported by La Lanzadera (Juan Roig, Mercadona).