The Rafael del Pino Foundation hosted, on 23 April 2012, the II Meeting Start Up Spain-Venture Capital y Business Angels , in cooperation with ESADE y Campus Party Spain.
After the first of these meetings, held in November 2011The session on the 23rd gave the floor to active investors in the area of entrepreneurship in our country, some of them foreigners based in Spain, with the aim of explaining the reasons that have led them to invest here and to find the incentives for this investment to increase.
The inauguration of this II Meeting Start Up Spain has been carried out by Maria del PinoPresident of the Rafael del Pino Foundation and of Eugenia BietoDirector General of ESADE.
The session was structured around two round tables. The first of these was entitled "Foreign VC funds investing in Spain" and was moderated by Javier SantisoProfessor at ESADE and Member of the Board of Directors of ESADE BAN. Speakers at the event included:
Hendrik Brandis (Germany), Founder and Partner, Earlybird.
David Carratt (Great Britain), Partner, Kennet Partners. Investor in BuyVip.
Yuval Cohen (Israel), CEO, StageOne.
Tom Henriksson (Finland), Managing Partner, Open Ocean Capital.
Blake Winchel (USA), Partner, Fremont Ventures and Partner Ventures.
José Marín (Mexico), Founder and Partner, IG Expansión.
Tobias Schirmer (Germany), Investment Director of Bertelsmann Digital Media Investments.
Vadim Tarasov (Russia), Investment Manager and Bright Capital & Digital Stragegy Advisor of Media3.
The second Round Table was entitled "VC funds and business angels based in Spain and founded by foreigners". Luisa Alemany, Director of the ESADE Entrepreneurship Institute, moderated the speakers:
Christopher Pommerening (Germany), Founder, Active Venture Partners.
Nicolas Goulet (USA, Ireland), Founder, Adara Venture Partners.
Gary Stewart (USA), Director Academy Madrid and Barcelona, Wayra.
Allan Majotra (USA, India, Spain), Venture partnerAxon Capital.
Antonio Fontanini (Italy), business angel.
Stefan Mathesius (Germany), Director Funds Junta de Andalucía.
Alberto Benbunan (Venezuela), Managing Director, Mobile Dreams Factory and business angel.