James Tooley

How are the world's poor being educated? The rise of low-cost private education

The Rafael del Pino Foundation organised, on 23 October 2013, the Keynote Lecture by James Tooley entitled "How are the world's poor being educated? The rise of low-cost private education".

Professor Tooley is Professor of Education Policy and Director of the Edwin George West Centre at Newcastle University. James Tooley is known for his dedication to developing innovative models of low-cost private education, which aim to improve educational opportunities for the poorest. For example, Professor Tooley is co-founder and chairman of Omega Schools, a chain of low-cost public schools established in Ghana in 2009; the initiative currently has 20 schools serving 12,000 students; it aims to reach 200,000 students by 2021.

James Tooley began his professional career as a secondary school mathematics teacher in Zimbabwe. He has spent his academic career at prestigious educational institutions such as Oxford and Manchester Universities and has been Director of the Education Unit at the Institute of Economic Affairs in Washington.

James Tooley is the author of The Beautiful Tree, for which he was awarded the Sir Anthony Fisher Prize in 2010 and the Golden Prize in the Financial Times Private Sector Development Competition. This work is a pioneering investigation into private education for the poor in India, China and the African continent.

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