
  • Networks and the struggle for power. Interaction between hierarchical structures - states - and non-hierarchical structures - social networks - throughout history.

    Networks and the struggle for power. Interaction between hierarchical structures - states - and non-hierarchical structures - social networks - throughout history.

    Niall Ferguson and Mira Milosevich-Juaristi

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  • Jesús Fernández Villaverde Keynote Lecture

    Jesús Fernández Villaverde Keynote Lecture

    Consequences of the Trump Administration's trade and foreign policies

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  • Transatlantic relations in crisis

    Transatlantic relations in crisis

    Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs of the Harvard Kennedy School, IE School of International Relations and the Fundación Rafael del Pino

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  • How to compete in investment markets

    How to compete in investment markets

    Francisco García Paramés and Tano Santos

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  • Luis Perez-Breva Keynote Lecture

    Luis Perez-Breva Keynote Lecture

    Innovation and investment in artificial intelligence

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  • The Growth of Populism, Polarisation and Nationalism: Causes and Consequences

    The Growth of Populism, Polarisation and Nationalism: Causes and Consequences

    The growth of populism, polarisation and nationalism has

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  • Keynote Lecture Juergen B. Donges

    Keynote Lecture Juergen B. Donges

    Economic dynamics: the time is ripe for rational policies

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  • Free Market Road Show Madrid 2018

    Free Market Road Show Madrid 2018

    The West and the value of freedom

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  • 3rd conference on collaborative intelligence

    3rd conference on collaborative intelligence

    Ideas for improving education

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  • Perception and reality of the reputation of Spanish companies after the crisis

    Perception and reality of the reputation of Spanish companies after the crisis

    Manuel Sevillano, Tomás Garicano, Alberto Andreu and Goyo Panadero

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  • Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: Spain GEM Report 2017

    Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: Spain GEM Report 2017

    Fundación Rafael del Pino, in collaboration with the Centro Internacional Santander Emprendimiento (CISE), the Asociación RED GEM España and Banco Santander through Santander Universities.

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  • GovTech Venture Day

    GovTech Venture Day

    IE School of International Relations and the Rafael del Pino Foundation

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