Rafael del Pino Excellence Fellows 2003

List of beneficiaries of the III Grants Programme for postgraduate studies

Tomás Alfaro Uriarte. MBA, Harvard Business School, (United States)

Mónica Ariño Gutierrez. Further Studies, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford, (UK)

Joaquín Artés Caselles. PhD in Economics, Irvine - University of California, (United States)

Félix Bejarano Cebrián. MBA, Wharton Business School, (United States)

Fernando Bermejo de la Calzada. MBA, IESE, (Spain)

Luis del Cañizo Bardisa. Master of Sciences, Center for Real Estate - MIT, (United States)

Ana Coello de Llobet. Master in Landscape Architecture, Harvard Design School, (USA)

Mercedes Delgado García. Visiting Scholar, Kellogg School of Management - Northwestern University, (United States)

Fátima González-Haba Poggio. MBA, Columbia Business School, (United States)

Francisco Hernández Marcos. MBA, London Business School, (UK)

Rafael Hortalá Vallvé. PhD in Economics, London School of Economics, (United Kingdom)

José Luis Palacios Jimenez. PhD Department of Aerospace Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, (United States)

Pedro Javier de la Peña Serna. Harvard Business School, (United States)

Guillermo Pérez López. MBA, Columbia Business School, (United States)

Vicente Pascual Pons Sanz. Yale, (United States)

Álvaro Vaca Atienza. MBA, Wharton Business School, (United States)