Victòria Alsina Brugués. PhD, Harvard University. Kennedy School.
Estefanía de la Chica Serrano. MA in Film Directing and Screenwriting, Columbia University.
Helena de Puig Guixé. PhD in Mechanical Engineering, MIT
Juan Antonio Gallastegui Roca. Master's Degree in Conducting, Bard College Conservatory of Music (New York).
Miguel González Herranz. MBA, Wharton Business School.
Mª Teresa Guillamón Vivancos. D. in Anatomy and Neurobiology, Boston University.
José Miguel Hernández Lobato. Postdoctoral of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University
Jesús Martín Calvo. MBA, INSEAD.
Borja Monreal Gainza. MA in Globalisation, Multinational Enterprises and Development, SOAS, University of London.
Milena Montesinos Herranz. MBA, Stanford University.
Javier Rosselló Lozano. PhD of Cardiovascular Science, King's College London.
Ana Villanueva Hortelano. MBA, MIT.
The scholarship holders of this promotion will become part of the Scholarship Holders Association of the Rafael del Pino Foundation.
The Scholarship Holders Association of the Rafael del Pino Foundation was constituted in Madrid on 21 July 2003, integrating the beneficiaries of scholarships and chairs awarded by the Rafael del Pino Foundation.
The Scholarship Holders Association has as its main objectives: to maintain the link and mutual support between the scholarship holders, encouraging their functioning as a group and to promote among university students and recent graduates the beginning of postgraduate studies in prestigious universities.
The Scholarship Holders Association has an agreement with The Aspen Institute whereby two Fellows attend each year as Aspen Fellows. The programme aims to develop the next generation of community-minded leaders, giving them the tools they need to meet the challenges of business and civic leadership in the 21st century. The Association also collaborates with the "water for a pipe" solidarity campaign organised by Nuevos Caminos magazine.