Rafael del Pino Fellowship in Macroeconomic Modelling and Public Policies

Scholarship offered as part of the Rafael del Pino Foundation's scholarship programme.

The Rafael del Pino Foundation's founding aims include the promotion, encouragement, development, protection and support of all types of civic, educational and cultural activities. To this end, it may make donations and finance studies, research, courses, conferences and seminars.

The Rafael del Pino Foundation, with the aim of giving continuity to the initiatives developed in the Foundation in the field of the study of knowledge about the Spanish economy and to promote research and knowledge about the relationship between the Spanish economy and other variables of maximum interest, for the elaboration of macroeconomic models, such as the REMS and EREMS models, the Rafael del Pino Foundation announces the "..." competition.Rafael del Pino Fellowship in Macroeconomic Modelling and Public Policies".

The Fellowship will have a duration of twelve months, starting on 1 November 2021 and ending on 31 October 2022, which may be renewed for two periods of another twelve months each, subject to acceptance of the final annual report.

This grant was awarded in 2021 to University of Valencia researchers Javier Ferri and José Emilio Boscá.
