Podcast of the programme

Dialogues and debates

Listen to the programme on:

  • 10 technologies to drive Spain 2023

    10 technologies to drive Spain 2023

    Javier García and Eugenio Mallol

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  • Spain's speed in the global innovation race

    Spain's speed in the global innovation race

    Manuel León, Andrés Pedreño, Francisco Marín, Mª José Alonso and Natalia Rodríguez.

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  • The dream of Europe: Utopian yearning or indisputable reality?

    The dream of Europe: Utopian yearning or indisputable reality?

    Timothy Garton Ash and Ramón González Férriz

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  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Business Management: Beyond Technology

    The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Business Management: Beyond Technology

    Alberto Granados, Rodrigo Gribble, Óscar Candiles and María Garaña.

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  • Online dialogue "Spanish housing market conditions in a changing world".

    Online dialogue "Spanish housing market conditions in a changing world".

    Albert Saiz, Massachusett Institute of Technology and Paloma Taltavull, University of Alicante.

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  • The Peace or Justice dilemma in Ukraine

    The Peace or Justice dilemma in Ukraine

    Philippe Sands, Mark Freeman and Carlos Castresana

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  • Current dynamics in the Eurozone financial system

    Current dynamics in the Eurozone financial system

    Matteo Maggiori, Philip R. Lane and Belén Carreño

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  • International trade in a different kind of globalisation. Challenges and future trends

    International trade in a different kind of globalisation. Challenges and future trends

    Lucian Cernat, Carmen Díaz-Mora, Javier Pérez, Christian Volpe and Enrique Feás.

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  • Russia's opposition to Putin and the impact of sanctions

    Russia's opposition to Putin and the impact of sanctions

    Natalia Arno, Vladimir Milov and José Ignacio Torreblanca

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  • The global scene in times of uncertainty: economy, society and technology

    The global scene in times of uncertainty: economy, society and technology

    Roberto Rigobon (MIT Professor) and Coro Celigüeta (FRP Fellow)

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  • National identities and the preservation of the rule of law in the European Union

    National identities and the preservation of the rule of law in the European Union

    Catherine Barnard, Alessandro Nucara and Carlos Javier Moreiro

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  • In Search of a Supranational Notion of the Rule of Law

    In Search of a Supranational Notion of the Rule of Law

    Markus Gehring, Dimitry Kochenov and Rosario Silva de Lapuerta.

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