
Series of programmes in podcast format by the Fundación Rafael del Pino

Latest podcasts

  • Has the German economic miracle come to an end?

    Has the German economic miracle come to an end?

    Wolfgang Münchau and Miguel Otero Iglesias

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  • On freedom

    On freedom

    Timothy Snyder

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  • Principles of economics in modern times

    Principles of economics in modern times

    Saifedean Ammous

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  • Spain (and Europe) in trouble

    Spain (and Europe) in trouble

    Jesús Fernández-Villaverde

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  • The "parliamentarisation" of the European Union's political system: progress and challenges

    The "parliamentarisation" of the European Union's political system: progress and challenges

    Eva Poptcheva, former Member of the European Parliament

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  • Senior management in public administration in Spain and current proposals for its reform

    The top management of the public administration in Spain and current proposals for its

    Vicente J. Montes Gan, Commercial Technician and State Economist

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  • Freedom of expression, the right under attack

    Freedom of expression, the right under attack

    José Antonio Zarzalejos, journalist

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  • The Local Regime

    The Local Regime

    Silvia del Saz, professor of administrative law

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