On 28 November 2023, the Rafael del Pino Foundation organised the presentation of the INTEC 2023 report of its Chair in Science and Technology entitled: "A roadmap for Spain in 10 technologies".
Which was developed in accordance with the following programme:
19:00h Welcome
19:10h Round table "Spain's speed in the global innovation race", with the participation of:
Manuel LeónProfessor of Research in Mathematics at the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas and Full Member of the Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales and corresponding member of the Real Academia de Ciencias de Canarias.
Andrés PedreñoCo-founder and Non-Executive Chairman of IT&IS, Director of the Observatory for the Analysis and Economic Development of the Internet in Spain ADEI, Chairman of AlicanTEC, Director of the Fintech Observatory and Director of the Artificial Intelligence Observatory.
Francisco MarínChairman of the Advisory Board of Ayming and winner of the National Award for Innovative Trajectory 2020.
Mª José AlonsoProfessor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology at the University of Santiago de Compostela.
Natalia RodríguezNational Innovation Award 2023 (moderator)
19:35h Dialogue entitled 10 technologies to drive Spain 2023 between
Javier GarcíaPresident of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry and Director of the Rafael del Pino Chair in Science and Society
Eugenio MallolConsultant, analyst and writer