Liberal Voices: The Thought of Ayn Rand

Antonella Marty and Roger Domingo

On 26 September 2024, the Rafael del Pino Foundation organised the online dialogue "Liberal Voices: Ayn Rand" with the participation of Antonella Marty and Roger Domingo. The dialogue will be broadcasted via the frp channel of the Foundation. On the occasion of the publication of the complete works of Ayn Rand edited by Duesto, in which she explores key themes such as reason, individualism and capitalism, and as a whole, they provide an in-depth understanding of her thought.

Antonella Marty, Argentine political scientist and author of several books, among them The liberal handbook (2021), Everything you need to know (2022) e Ideologies (2024). She holds a degree in International Relations and Political Science from the Universidad Abierta Interamericana and hosts the podcast "Hablemos Libertad".

Roger DomingoEditorial Director of Ediciones Deusto, Gestión 2000, Alienta Editorial and Para Dummies (Grupo Planeta), mentor to authors and creator of the online training programme Tu Éxito Editorial with the MAPEA Method.


Liberal Voices: Ayn Rand and the Validity of Her Thought in a Polarised World

On 26 September 2024, the Rafael del Pino Foundation organised a meeting entitled "Liberal Voices: Ayn Rand", with the participation of Antonella Marty, political scientist and author, and Roger Domingo, editor of Ediciones Deusto. During the event, both discussed in depth the philosophical legacy of Ayn Rand, her impact on contemporary politics and culture, as well as the relevance of her thought in today's world, characterised by the rise of populism and collectivism.

Objectivism: Reasoning and Living According to Reality

The starting point of the dialogue was a detailed explanation of Objectivism, the philosophy created by Ayn Rand, which is built around four fundamental pillars: objective reality, reason, rational self-interest and free market capitalism.

For Rand, reality is an absolute fact that must be understood through reason, the only valid source of knowledge. This position rejects any form of mysticism or blind faith and holds that logic and empirical evidence are the essential tools for understanding and acting in the world. Antonella Marty stressed that this perspective remains crucial in an era where relativism and unfounded beliefs often cloud critical judgement and decision-making.

Rational Selfishness: A New Ethics for the Individual

One of Ayn Rand's most controversial concepts is that of "rational selfishness". For her, selfishness does not mean acting to the detriment of others, but seeking one's own happiness and well-being as a moral goal, without sacrificing values and principles. Marty stressed that this kind of selfishness does not imply contempt for others, but rather a defence of personal integrity and self-responsibility.

Rand proposed that each individual should be free to pursue his or her own happiness, as long as he or she respects the rights of others to do the same. This approach redefines traditional altruism and advocates mutual respect based on personal independence and recognition of individual rights.

Individual Rights and the Limited Role of Government

Objectivism holds that individual rights are inalienable and must be protected by a limited government, whose only legitimate purpose is to guarantee the freedom of each person to act according to his or her own rational judgement. Roger Domingo explained that for Rand, government should not impose values or intervene in the personal or economic lives of individuals beyond its protective function.

In this sense, Rand opposed both communism and fascism, criticising both for attempting to impose a set of moral values on society. She argued that government has no right to tell people how to live, and that its intervention should be restricted to protecting basic rights: life, liberty and property.

A Critique of Collectivism: The Constant Threat to Freedom

Rand considered collectivism to be one of the greatest threats to individual freedom. Marty pointed out that, for Rand, collectivism subordinates the individual to the group, be it society, the state or any other collective entity, thus denying the inherent rights of each person.

The event explored how Rand's thought, based on the uncompromising defence of the individual in the face of state oppression, is relevant in today's context, where populisms and nationalisms have re-emerged with a vengeance. Marty mentioned that, despite advances in individual rights in recent decades, collectivist and populist ideas continue to threaten personal autonomy and freedom of thought.

Ayn Rand's Influence on U.S. Politics and Business Culture

Roger Domingo also noted the enormous influence Ayn Rand has had on US politics and business culture. Her works, such as The Atlas rebellion y The springhave inspired generations of entrepreneurs and politicians to champion economic freedom and the role of the creative individual as the engine of progress.

Rand's defence of individual freedom and rejection of any form of state coercion have made her a key figure in American liberal thought. Her philosophy has found an echo in the technology sector, especially in Silicon Valley, where many entrepreneurs see in her work a passionate defence of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Recommended Reading for Understanding Ayn Rand

For those wishing to approach Ayn Rand's work, the speakers recommended starting with The springa novel that tells the story of architect Howard Roark's struggle against conformity and mediocrity, and to continue with The Atlas rebellionhis landmark work, which deals with the conflict between individual freedom and state control.

They also suggested reading his philosophical essays such as The virtue of selfishness y Philosophy: Who needs it?where Rand most directly and systematically expounds her ethical and political thought. According to Marty, these texts are fundamental to understanding the depth of her ideas and her radical defence of freedom and reason.

Conclusion: The Relevance of Ayn Rand's Thought in the Contemporary World

The event concluded with a reflection on the importance of continuing to read and debate Ayn Rand's ideas in a world that continues to face threats to individual freedom. Both Antonella Marty and Roger Domingo agreed that Rand's legacy is a call to defend reason, independence and the rights of the individual against any form of oppression or collective imposition.

In short, the meeting "Liberal Voices: Ayn Rand" was an in-depth look at the philosophy of one of the most controversial and influential figures of the 20th century, whose ideas continue to inspire those who value freedom and critical thinking in a context of increasing global challenges.

The Rafael del Pino Foundation is not responsible for the comments, opinions or statements made by the people who participate in its activities and which are expressed as a result of their inalienable right to freedom of expression and under their sole responsibility. The contents included in the summary of this conference are the result of the debates held at the meeting held for this purpose at the Foundation and are the responsibility of their authors.

The Rafael del Pino Foundation is not responsible for any comments, opinions or statements made by third parties. In this respect, the FRP is not obliged to monitor the views expressed by such third parties who participate in its activities and which are expressed as a result of their inalienable right to freedom of expression and under their own responsibility. The contents included in the summary of this conference are the result of the discussions that took place during the conference organised for this purpose at the Foundation and are the sole responsibility of its authors.