George Packer
The crumbling. Thirty years of American decline
Enrico Letta
A two-speed Europe? Avoiding Brexit
Juergen B. Donges
Economic Odysseys in the Eurozone
Possible Spain
César Molinas, Luis Garicano, Sansón Carrasco, Carles Casajuana
British vocational training
Site autonomy and corporate commitment
Scenario for Spain in a world of unconventional monetary policies
Rafael del Pino Foundation, the Global Interdependence Center and BBVA
Economic Freedom in Spain 2015
Francisco Cabrillo, Rocío Albert and Rogelio Biazzi
Falling Walls Lab Spain
Rafael del Pino and A.T. Kearney Foundation
Jesús Fernández Villaverde
The Challenge of Spain's New Economic Modernisation
Toni Nadal
Everything can be trained
Maury Peiperl
How Top Leaders Learn