
  • Face-to-face dialogue "Positive Impact

    Face-to-face dialogue "Positive Impact

    Francisco Palao and Juan Martínez-Barea

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  • Online science dialogue in Spanish "A new economy on a molecular scale".

    Online science dialogue in Spanish "A new economy on a molecular scale".

    Javier García and Diego Rodríguez Mejías

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  • Francis Fukuyama Keynote Lecture in person

    Francis Fukuyama Keynote Lecture in person

    Liberalism and its disenchanted. How to defend and safeguard our liberal democracies.

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  • Oded Galor Face-to-Face Keynote Lecture

    Oded Galor Face-to-Face Keynote Lecture

    The big bang of civilisations: the keys to human progress

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  • Vladimir Bulovic Online Master Conference

    Vladimir Bulovic Online Master Conference

    Frontiers of innovation and entrepreneurship in nanotechnology

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  • Face-to-face dialogue "Where is the growing superpower rivalry taking us?"

    Face-to-face dialogue "Where is the growing superpower rivalry taking us?"

    Alicia García Herrero and Mira Milosevich

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  • Face-to-face dialogue "An empire of engineers".

    Face-to-face dialogue "An empire of engineers".

    Felipe Fernández-Armesto and Manuel Lucena

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  • Online science dialogue in Spanish "La nanotecnología llega a la vida".

    Online science dialogue in Spanish "La nanotecnología llega a la vida".

    Sonia Contera, Nazario Martín and Antonio García Guerra

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  • Daniel Lacalle's face-to-face Keynote Lecture

    Daniel Lacalle's face-to-face Keynote Lecture

    Lessons and opportunities from an increasingly volatile financial market

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  • Keynote lecture by Jesús Fernández-Villaverde

    Keynote lecture by Jesús Fernández-Villaverde

    Leadership, economic efficiency and democratic quality in Spain: what do we want to be in the global scenario that is taking shape?

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  • Online science dialogue in Spanish "La computación cuántica y su impacto".

    Online science dialogue in Spanish "La computación cuántica y su impacto".

    Ignacio Cirac, Marcos Allende López, Antonio D. Córcoles and Óscar Viyuela

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  • Face-to-face dialogue "How autocrats are reinventing 21st century politics".

    Face-to-face dialogue "How autocrats are reinventing 21st century politics".

    Moisés Naím and José Juan Ruiz

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