On 12 April 2011, the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation held the presentation ceremony in Madrid of the book "Cortes y Constitución de Cádiz. 200 Years", promoted by the Rafael del Pino Foundation on the occasion of the Bicentenary of the Cortes and the Constitution of Cadiz. The work was presented at the Cádiz City Hall on 25 March of the same year.
The event was attended by the President of the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation, Landelino Lavilla; the President of the Rafael del Pino Foundation, María del Pino; the Mayoress of Cádiz, Teófila Martínez; the Professors and Academicians Manuel Olivencia and Rafael Calvo Ortega; the Professor and Ambassador of Spain, Raúl Morodo; and the Director of the book, the Professor and Academician José Antonio Escudero.
This major work, sponsored by the Fundación Rafael del Pino, is a comprehensive, rigorous, detailed and up-to-date study of the Constituent Courts and the Spanish Constitution of 1812, coinciding with the celebration of its bicentenary. The book analyses, firstly, how the Cortes came into being, what their structure and organisation were, what the proposed reforms meant and what the political, ideological and cultural context was that gave rise to them; and, secondly, it analyses the Constitution of 1812 from its Preliminary Discourse to the last of its articles, clarifying its influence in the different countries of Europe and America. A total of 115 experts from both sides of the Atlantic participated in the preparation of the work.
The Rafael del Pino Foundation's initiative has been joined by the Congress of Deputies, the City Council of Cádiz and the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation.