Keynote Speech by Mario Alonso Puig
Mindfulness. The art of keeping calm in the midst of the storm.
The economy of the common good
The economy of the common good
Luis Pérez-Breva Keynote Lecture
Luis Pér
Nick Clegg Keynote Lecture
Beyond Brexit: the challenges ahead for Britain and the European Union
Reforms for a rational growth of the Spanish economy
Juan María Nin, Joaquín Almunia and John Müller
Keynote Lecture Juergen B. Donges
Economic globalisation: curse or blessing?
Monetary policy in a new economic scenario
Monetary policy in a new economic scenario
Free Market Roadshow: the world after Brexit and populism
Juan de Mariana Institute
Cycle of conferences "From Ferdinand the Catholic to Charles V. 1504-1521
Royal Academy of History
What has happened to the language of politics?
Mark Thompson and Pedro García Cuartango
The future of the European Banking Union and the City of London after Brexit
Juan Castañeda, Pedro Schwartz, David Marsh and José Manuel González-Páramo
Turbulent and misunderstood relationship between economic growth and employment in Spain
Juan Francisco Jimeno, Emilio Ontiveros Baeza, Guillermo de la Dehesa Romero and Miguel Jiménez Cabezas