Cycle of conferences. The year of Charles III at the Royal Academy of History
Royal Academy of History
Juergen B. Donges
European Economy. A bet against confusion
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: Spain GEM Report 2015
The Rafael del Pino Foundation, in collaboration with the Santander International Centre for Entrepreneurship (CISE-UCEIF), the Spanish Network of Regional GEM Teams, and Banco Santander -through the Santander Universities Global Division- have launched a new project to promote entrepreneurship in Spain.
Jesús Fernández Villaverde
Challenges and opportunities for the Spanish economy in uncertainty
Thomas Kriese
Disruptive Innovation
Stewart D. Friedman
Total Leadership
James Robinson
Why countries fail
Tomás Belón, André Leonardo, Katia Gómez, Mohamed Amine Belardi and Pablo González Ruiz de la Torre
Sean Cleary
Global governance and the private sector
Free Market Road Show Madrid 2016
Rafael del Pino Foundation, Free Market Road Show and the Instituto Juan de Mariana
Mario Alonso Puig
The Guardian of Truth and the Third Gate of Time
José Luis Cordeiro
Towards the Singularity: The Future of Technology and the Technology of the Future