Podcast of the programme
Institutions of the democratic rule of law
Listen to the programme on:
The economic context of the crisis of the institutions: on the possible link between Europe's economic decline and the decline of its institutions
Antonio Rodríguez-Pina
The "parliamentarisation" of the European Union's political system: progress and challenges
Eva Poptcheva, former Member of the European Parliament
Senior management in public administration in Spain and current proposals for its reform
Vicente J. Montes Gan, Commercial Technician and State Economist
Freedom of expression, the right under attack
José Antonio Zarzalejos, journalist
The Local Regime
Silvia del Saz, professor of administrative law
Corruption, amphibology of a word
Eloy García, Professor of Constitutional Law
Some reflections on the debate on the Catalan concert
Ángel de la Fuente, Executive Director FEDEA
Institutions of the Democratic Rule of Law
Vicente Guilarte, Consuelo Madrigal, Manuel Aragón and Andrés Betancor
The sanctioning power of Public Administrations
Juan Francisco Mestre Delgado, professor of administrative law
On the electoral regime
Carlos Vidal Prado, Professor of constitutional law
Right to effective judicial protection
Fernando Irurzun, State Lawyer
Civic coexistence and citizenship education
Eva Desdentado Daroca, Professor of Administrative Law