Podcast of the programme


  • Rule of law and institutional framework

    Rule of law and institutional framework

    Elisa de la Nuez, Secretary General of the Hay Derecho Foundation

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  • Conditions for the possibility of civil society

    Conditions for the possibility of civil society

    Elisa Chuliá. FUNCAS researcher.

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  •  Technology, education, employment and the future of work

     Technology, education, employment and the future of work

    Benito Arruñada, Professor of Business Organization at the UPF

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  • Dialogues on the challenges facing Spanish society today

    Dialogues on the challenges facing Spanish society today

    Elisa Chuliá, Benito Arruñada and Elisa de la Nuez and Víctor Pérez-Díaz

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  • Institutions of the Democratic Rule of Law

    Institutions of the Democratic Rule of Law

    Vicente Guilarte, Consuelo Madrigal, Manuel Aragón and Andrés Betancor

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  • How to strengthen democracy through Civil Society?

    How to strengthen democracy through Civil Society?

    Miriam González, Elena Pisonero, Víctor Lapuente, Manuel Villoria and Elisa de la Nuez

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  • Spain Better

    Spain Better

    Miriam González, Founder of Better Spain

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  • A New Europe, Christopher Clark

    A New Europe, Christopher Clark

    Christopher Clark, Professor of History at the University of Cambridge

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  • The sanctioning power of Public Administrations

    The sanctioning power of Public Administrations

    Juan Francisco Mestre Delgado, professor of administrative law

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  • Liberal Voices: Ideologies

    Liberal Voices: Ideologies

    Antonella Marty and David Mejía

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  • Economic and demographic dynamics in perspective

    Economic and demographic dynamics in perspective

    Marian L. Tupy, Deirdre McCloskey, Ian Vasquez and Gabriel Calzada

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  • Citizen confidence in capitalism and democracy

    Citizen confidence in capitalism and democracy

    Jordi Gual, Javier Gomá Lanzón and Lucía Méndez

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