Intec Annual Report




  • María José Alonso: "There is a bottleneck in the demand for disruptive science".

    María José Alonso: "There is a bottleneck in the demand for disruptive science".

    Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering and of the Controlled Release Society, King Jaime I Award for New Technologies and Juan de la Cierva National Research Award.

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  • Emma Fernández: "Europe anticipates and conceptualises well, the flaw is in the implementation".

    Emma Fernández: "Europe anticipates and conceptualises well, the flaw is in the implementation".

    Decision-making linked to innovation in organisations requires proper orchestration between the management team and the members of the board. Emma Fernández sets out the keys to doing this successfully.

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  • Javier Ventura-Travesset (ESA): "Europe has many strengths, but action is essential".

    Javier Ventura-Travesset (ESA): "Europe has many strengths, but it is essential to move on to the next generation.

    Orchestrating decisions to achieve the ambitious goals of the Moonlight project, in an environment as complex as that of the European Space Agency, is one of the tasks of Javier Ventura-Travesset, with whom we talk about how to take action and how to drive innovation through demand.

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  • New Technologies Report (Intec) 2024

    New Technologies Report (Intec) 2024

    The Chair in Science and Society of the Rafael del Pino Foundation prepares the report Ten technologies to boost Spain. Under the supervision of Professor Javier García Martínez, the Chair's team drafts an annual document that identifies the ten emerging technologies that offer a competitive advantage to the economy and the economy of Spain.

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