4. Digital fire extinguishers

Boosting innovation and investment in the prevention phase is one of the tasks ahead in tackling one of the most dramatic consequences of climate change, while improving the availability and processing of data.

Extreme events associated with the climate change are mobilising more and more resources and technological innovation. In the case of forest fires, the impact on the ecosystem of flora and fauna, beyond their natural recurrence, which is necessary for the diversity of the environment itself, aggravates the effects derived from the desertification associated with rising temperatures and drought. The major technologies of the digital revolution have been called upon to design prevention, detection, extinction and reforestation strategies.

The solutions of detection and prevention The prevention of forest fires can be as strategic as those currently concentrating the largest budgetary efforts: firefighting. Mastering the technologies of intelligent data capture, communication and analysis is just as important as advancing developments in new materials and techniques to extinguish fireone of the most devastating effects of climate change.

Indispensable tools

From artificial intelligence to supercomputing, drones, state-of-the-art sensors, robotics and advanced connectivity systems have become indispensable tools in firefighting. However, there are aspects that need to be boosted in order to increase the effectiveness of human action against the most devastating face of nature.

Among them, the data availability and better planning of quality tasks in real time, and a more appropriate planning of the preventionThe European Commission's report on the European Union's fire prevention and firefighting policy, which still receives one euro for every six euros spent by public services on firefighting, is a good example of this. Better identification of business models will also encourage technology-based innovation to curb fires.