The Rafael del Pino Foundation's Chair in Science and Society has finalised the report Ten technologies to boost Spain. Under the supervision of Professor Javier García Martínez, the Chair's team is preparing a document to identify the ten emerging technologies that offer a competitive advantage to the Spanish economy and society.

The report Ten technologies to boost SpainThe report, written by journalists Julio Miravalls, Andrés Valdés, Cristina Martínez and Jordi Sánchez Navas, has the backing of a committee of experts. It is made up of eight leading figures in science and technology, who contribute their experience and knowledge in various fields.
They are currently members of the Committee of Experts:
- Andrés Pedreño MuñozProfessor of Applied Economics, former Chancellor of the University of Alicante and former CEO of Universia
- María Blasco MarhuendaBiologist. PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Director of the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO).
- Nuria Oliver RamírezTelecommunications Engineer. PhD from the Media Lab of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Director of Research in Data Science Vodafone. Chief Data Scientist Data-Pop Alliance.
- Héctor Perea SaavedraIndustrial Engineer. Director Strategy and Business Development at CEPSA
- Manuel de León RodríguezMathematician and Doctor in Exact Sciences. Research Scientist at the CSIC. Former Director of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences (ICMAT).
- Pablo Artal SorianoD. in Physics and Professor of Optics at the University of Murcia.
- Javier Ventura-Traveset BoschD. in Telecommunications Engineering. Executive Secretary of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Galieleo programme of the European Space Agency (ESA) and Spokesperson in Spain for ESA.
The report Ten technologies to give Spain a competitive edge does not seek to disseminate the latest and most striking innovations in the field of research, but rather to recognise those science and technology-based initiatives that are in the process of being incorporated into economic activity, by connecting their innovative nature with a high degree of maturity in their development and application.
Presentation in Madrid in mid-2020
The presentation of the report is scheduled to take place in autumn 2020 at an event to be held at the Madrid headquarters of the Rafael del Pino Foundation. This presentation was initially scheduled for April, but had to be delayed due to the Covid 19 health emergency.
The report draws on a long tradition of such documents promoted by leading international organisations and reputable scientific publications. This is the case of the Top ten emerging technologies The World Economic Forum, the World Economic Forum's version of this report, the magazine Scientific American or the selection made each year by MIT with the title 10 breakthrough technologies and that in 2019 Bill Gates has been involved in its development.
The report, applied to the specific case of Spanish competitiveness, prepared by the Chair in Science and Society of the Rafael del Pino Foundation, incorporates the experience of its director Javier García, who is a member of the Committee of Experts that draws up the list of the World Economic Forum and participates in the drafting of the publication that Scientific American dedicates to this subject.
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