0. Introduction Intec 2023: the decline of the pyramids, governing the ecosystems

Both the economy and the provision of public services are evolving towards a new software-enabled model, which implies higher update rates and the need for more public-private collaboration in problem solving. In Spain, the low level of penetration of key technologies in our productive fabric is serious, but even more worrying is the need for a change of mindset.

The digital revolution is bringing about a change in the relationship between the companies with their suppliers, customers and employees and in the way in which their different areas of activity are organised. This process is taking place in parallel with the transformation that is taking place, on a larger scale, in the companieswhose level of development also depends on the management of its tangible and intangible resources, especially knowledge in all its aspects.

We are evolving from a linear production systemThe sectoral OEMs set the production guidelines, standards and certifications, in a scheme of pyramid managementto another of reticular characterwhere the key to competitiveness will be the capacity to orchestrating all components of the ecosystem in the most efficient way using technology.

The new public-private partnership

Real globalisation has only occurred in the field of capital and informationThis imbalance has destabilised the other components of society and the economy. Public and private sector In short, they must adapt their strategic action and their technology to fit in with the platforms that are increasingly being generated, whether around service aggregators or around demand aggregators.

In a similar vein, there is a need to constructively integrate the growing role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the formulation of public policy, both because of their ability to analyse social data and because of the potential for extensive language models (LLM) to influence decision-making and risk analysis. If algorithms are influencing the activity of bodies such as the World BankThe human rights and welfare system may even have an impact on the guarantee of human rights and the welfare system.

A software-enabled economy

The production in the physical world and the provision of services by the Administration should be able to keeping pace with the softwareincreasingly integrated in all phases of the production process: from raw material procurement to processing and distribution, and increasingly present in the production process. public sector activities such as social assistance and security.

Given that the software update uses much shorter timeframes, the integration of operations and information, which has been talked about for the last decade, is no longer an option, but an imperative.

In a model of ecosystems versus pyramids you have to operate with open knowledge spacesThe aim of the project is to develop a new approach to the design of software and hardware, the selection of suppliers and even the logistical and commercial strategy of an organisation, by enabling actors outside the organisation to participate in the design of software and hardware.

The competitiveness of the territories

In the future, the competitiveness of the territories will depend on their capacity to connect and design governance systems that allow local actors, from universities to technology centres, public administration and business sectors, to establish non-hierarchical and heterarchical relationship models between ecosystems.

Territorial pyramids are also being demolished. Those that will remain in time will look like relics of the past.

The level of penetration of technologies The essential elements that are transforming the economic and social model are, however, still really low in our country and, as a result, the task of fostering a demand for advanced services that promotes the emergence of a new business fabric with high added value is complicated. According to the INE, the percentage of companies with more than ten workers using cloud services is 32.411 TTP3T of the total in Spain, and drops to 10.231 TTP3T among companies with less than ten employees.

The intelligent automation is one of the big emerging trends in the business world, but 60% of the companies providing this service in our country have between 10 and 49 employees and there are none with more than 5,000. Most specialise in material handling, palletising, labelling, marking, cleaning or disinfection.

It is necessary to adapt the bandwidth to take advantage of the opportunities that are emerging in the field of reindustrialisation and to change the Spanish economic complexity map in a rational, i.e. distributed, way.

An ABB survey of business leaders conducted in 2022 found that 74% of European companies and 70% of US companies plan to relocate or offshore operations to build the resilience of its supply chain in response to labour shortages, the need for a more sustainable environmental footprint and global uncertainty.

It is essential to promote, in the productive fabric, in the public sector and in society as a whole, an incorporation into the technological revolution based on the change of mindset and not in the accumulation of tools if we are to take advantage of the possibilities presented in the ten areas of innovation that we identify in this report.