The Rafael del Pino Foundation hosted on Wednesday 23 November the presentation of the report Ten Technologies to Boost Spain (INTEC 2022). The report establishes a precise diagnosis of the current situation in Spain in relation to the knowledge economy and proposes ten specific technologies to give competitive advantages to the productive fabric. It is led by Javier García, Professor of the Rafael del Pino Foundation and president of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).
It has been advised by researchers in the fields of biotechnology, data science, energy, space technology, artificial vision, economics, education and mathematics. Ángela Nieto, Lina Gálvez, Susana Marcos, María Blasco, Nuria Oliver, Laura Lechuga, María José Alonso, Emma Fernández, Fernando Temprano, Manuel de León, Javier Ventura-Traveset, Héctor Perea, Pablo Artal and Andrés Pedreño made up the committee of experts who participated in the selection of technologies and supervised the report, written by Fernando Gomollón Bel and Eugenio Mallol and coordinated by Jordi Sánchez Navas.
The presentation was given by Professor Javier García, who was accompanied by experts Manuel de León, Emma Fernández and Fernando Temprano, who discussed the contents of the report and the current situation in Spain and the transformation towards a knowledge economy based on science and technology. The round table was moderated by the analyst and editor of INTEC, Eugenio Mallol, and can be viewed here. link.
These are the key technologies for innovation in Spain, according to the INTEC 2022 report:
- CO2 capture and recovery
- Technologies for the detection of resistant bacteria
- Intelligent mobility
- Critical elements
- Mathematics for a sustainable world
- Metaverse
- Smart fertilisers
- Teragnostic materials
- The world of robots
- The tourism of things
The report includes an introductory diagnosis by analyst Eugenio Mallol. It reviews the current context, highlighting the irruption of the principle of security, the lack of economic complexity of the Spanish economy and the regional digital divide suffered by the territories.
It also touches on aspects of green and digital transitionsThe report also addresses the growing presence of the energy sector, such as decarbonisation, electrification based on clean energy sources and the consolidation of the circular economy. In addition, the report addresses the growing presence of the intelligent automationThe European Commission's research and development programme has been developed in both software and hardware, with an impact on precision medicine, last-mile transport and the automation of entire ecosystems.
Without forgetting the imperative "security by design"which refers to the field of cybersecurity and takes on relevance in a time of political instability conditioned by artificial intelligence and data management.