
  • Javier García presents science and technology roadmap in Dubai

    Javier García presents science and technology roadmap in Dubai

    Following its presentation in Madrid last November, the report 10 technologies to boost Spain has been consolidated as a roadmap to guide towards competitiveness and quality employment based on scientific and technological premises.

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  • Conferences for young people in Alicante and Salamanca

    Conferences for young people in Alicante and Salamanca

    On 8 November, Javier García, Professor of the Rafael del Pino Foundation, gave a talk entitled "Science for a better world" to a group of secondary school students in the auditorium of the Alicante Museum of Contemporary Art (MACA). The students from Alicante's Jaime II Secondary School of Alicante, who were...

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  • The road to a better world goes through science

    The road to a better world goes through science

    Rafael del Pino Foundation Professor Javier García linked the UN's sustainable development goals with science and defended the role of science as a driver of change towards a better world.

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